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'Hillary, Your Lips are Moving and You're Lying' - Mike Gravel

'Hillary, Your Lips are Moving and You're Lying' - Mike Gravel (

posted by maaz. appeared on reddit on 2008-05-03 00:30:02. read comments.


Ron Paul on CNN Situation Room 05.02.08 - Putting a Republican in the White House Secondary to Defending the Constitution

Ron Paul on CNN Situation Room 05.02.08 - Putting a Republican in the White House Secondary to Defending the Constitution (

posted by Pub1ius. appeared on reddit on 2008-05-02 18:30:01. read comments.


Monica Conyers, wife John Conyers [D-MI], gets lectured by an 8th grader after her outburst at a Detroit city council meeting. And by "her" I mean Monica Conyers, not the kid. [video]

Monica Conyers, wife John Conyers [D-MI], gets lectured by an 8th grader after her outburst at a Detroit city council meeting. And by "her" I mean Monica Conyers, not the kid. [video] (

posted by guriboysf. appeared on reddit on 2008-05-02 15:30:04. read comments.


Conan O'Brien on Grand Theft Auto IV

Conan O'Brien on Grand Theft Auto IV (

posted by attractivetb. appeared on reddit on 2008-05-02 11:30:04. read comments.


AT&T identifies iPhone users (to provide free WiFi to them) by inspecting the user-agent. What could possibly go wrong?

AT&T identifies iPhone users (to provide free WiFi to them) by inspecting the user-agent. What could possibly go wrong? (

posted by Splines. appeared on reddit on 2008-05-02 11:30:04. read comments.


Clinton Advisor: Indianans are "Shit", "Worthless White Ni**ers" - GET THE WORD OUT

Clinton Advisor: Indianans are "Shit", "Worthless White Ni**ers" - GET THE WORD OUT (

posted by recession. appeared on reddit on 2008-05-02 10:30:03. read comments.


Cinton Staffer: Indiana people are shit. [video]

Cinton Staffer: Indiana people are shit. [video] (

posted by thereticent. appeared on reddit on 2008-05-02 09:30:03. read comments.


Real fight club at a Silicon Valley tech company (ESPN video)

Real fight club at a Silicon Valley tech company (ESPN video) (

posted by joonix. appeared on reddit on 2008-05-01 19:30:03. read comments.


I don't think I've ever heard a more eloquent or accurate summary of American foreign policy than this.

I don't think I've ever heard a more eloquent or accurate summary of American foreign policy than this. (

posted by conman16x. appeared on reddit on 2008-05-01 06:30:10. read comments.


Former Senator Gary Hart warns Americans that the White House might create a "Gulf of Tonkin" or "remember the Maine" type incident to justify war against Iran [video: starting at 7:15 minutes]

Former Senator Gary Hart warns Americans that the White House might create a "Gulf of Tonkin" or "remember the Maine" type incident to justify war against Iran [video: starting at 7:15 minutes] (

posted by georgewashingtonblog. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-30 21:30:02. read comments.


Deal or No Deal contestant doesn't recognize her own sister holding a case among the models.

Deal or No Deal contestant doesn't recognize her own sister holding a case among the models. (

posted by theanimation. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-30 19:30:04. read comments.


Ron Paul : 'No wonder the news networks would rather focus on $400 haircuts than matters of substance. There are no matters of substance.' [video]

Ron Paul : 'No wonder the news networks would rather focus on $400 haircuts than matters of substance. There are no matters of substance.' [video] (

posted by rlh68. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-29 01:30:03. read comments.


New Scientist: Meet the irl first-generation T-1000

New Scientist: Meet the irl first-generation T-1000 (

posted by eglinski. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-29 01:30:03. read comments.


Sometimes, you find something on the internet that puts your jaw on the floor..

Sometimes, you find something on the internet that puts your jaw on the floor.. (

posted by iKonic. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-28 22:30:03. read comments.


Super addictive magnet toy. The Neo Cube

Super addictive magnet toy. The Neo Cube (

posted by dokumentamarble. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-28 18:30:09. read comments.