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"Shut up! Sit down!" screams the cop, who after taunting "the rich boy" slams the prisoner's head and giving him a concussion. Cop is clearly on video, but for some reason "has not been identified". Maybe it's because the victim is suing.

"Shut up! Sit down!" screams the cop, who after taunting "the rich boy" slams the prisoner's head and giving him a concussion. Cop is clearly on video, but for some reason "has not been identified". Maybe it's because the victim is suing. (

posted by scordatura. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-12 19:30:02. read comments.


What really happened at the failed X-wing launch in the desert [VIDEO]

What really happened at the failed X-wing launch in the desert [VIDEO] (

posted by jeffh. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-12 12:30:03. read comments.


This is not a conspiracy documentary. No mention of 911 truth (because we need to solve the conspiracy that's right in our face first). This is the documentary they're not showing you on TV - because if the American People were to truly KNOW IT, this would be very bad for coporate stability. (If you watch it. come back and vote it up or down).

This is not a conspiracy documentary. No mention of 911 truth (because we need to solve the conspiracy that's right in our face first). This is the documentary they're not showing you on TV - because if the American People were to truly KNOW IT, this would be very bad for coporate stability. (If you watch it. come back and vote it up or down). (

posted by Criminoboy. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-12 10:30:02. read comments.


Cop shoots man. Cop cuffs man. Then he pistol whips him. All on video. No charges laid. No investigation.

Cop shoots man. Cop cuffs man. Then he pistol whips him. All on video. No charges laid. No investigation. (

posted by scordatura. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-11 23:30:02. read comments.


M65 Recoiless Nuclear Rifle. Yes, the NUCLEAR rifle, it is real. (Youtube video)

M65 Recoiless Nuclear Rifle. Yes, the NUCLEAR rifle, it is real. (Youtube video) (

posted by travelingman74. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-11 07:30:04. read comments.


Watch Ron Paul breathe fire! Ron Paul moments from tonight's debates on YouTube!

Watch Ron Paul breathe fire! Ron Paul moments from tonight's debates on YouTube! (

posted by jlbraun. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-09 21:30:03. read comments.


Use Of 'N-Word' May End Porn Star's Career - Porn lovers shocked by slur (nsfw video)

Use Of 'N-Word' May End Porn Star's Career - Porn lovers shocked by slur (nsfw video) (

posted by godfree. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-08 19:30:03. read comments.


Reporter smacks man with shovel to demonstrate new shock absorbing material [Video]

Reporter smacks man with shovel to demonstrate new shock absorbing material [Video] (

posted by xuq. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-08 07:30:04. read comments.


Mind-Blowing Audio Illusion

Mind-Blowing Audio Illusion (

posted by lilianu. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-08 06:30:03. read comments.


The opening of the movie "Lord of War" shows the life of a 7.62x39mm round from its manufacture in Russia all the way to penetrating a child's skull in Africa. [video]

The opening of the movie "Lord of War" shows the life of a 7.62x39mm round from its manufacture in Russia all the way to penetrating a child's skull in Africa. [video] (

posted by jlbraun. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-08 00:30:03. read comments.


How To Make Mountain Dew Glow

How To Make Mountain Dew Glow (

posted by fnord123. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-06 19:30:05. read comments.


The Daily Show: How Bush is Going from "Nixon" to "Mr Burns"

The Daily Show: How Bush is Going from "Nixon" to "Mr Burns" (

posted by vtail. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-06 10:30:04. read comments.


Bush spokesperson Perino hammered with torture questions for second day (Video)

Bush spokesperson Perino hammered with torture questions for second day (Video) (

posted by garyp714. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-06 10:30:04. read comments.


Chinese Factory Workers Work 'Inside' Huge Metal Press

Chinese Factory Workers Work 'Inside' Huge Metal Press (

posted by cobblestone. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-06 06:30:03. read comments.


Google video course: from Nand gates to Tetris in 12 steps

Google video course: from Nand gates to Tetris in 12 steps (

posted by queensnake. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-06 03:30:03. read comments.