105. |
Japanese photojournalist was deliberately shot at point blank range in Burma - it was no accident [video] (www.youtube.com) posted by bobcat. appeared on reddit on 2007-09-28 10:30:03. read comments. |
The website redditmedia.com has moved to a new address reddit.picurls.com. Please update your bookmarks! Thanks! :)
104. |
The kind of Auto Ads you will never see in America. [video] (www.youtube.com) posted by vtail. appeared on reddit on 2007-09-28 06:30:05. read comments. |
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How your lawmakers vote (unbelievable video) (www.youtube.com) posted by itodd. appeared on reddit on 2007-09-27 16:30:02. read comments. |
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Video: an atheist speaks to angry Christians who have been sending him hatemail (www.liveleak.com) posted by schwarzwald. appeared on reddit on 2007-09-25 23:30:01. read comments. |
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Why we are where we are now. The answer says it all really. (www.youtube.com) posted by smacfarl. appeared on reddit on 2007-09-23 22:30:03. read comments. |
99. |
COPWATCHERS: New YouTube Page for Monitoring Oppression & Brutality (VIDEOS) (www.youtube.com) posted by BravoLima. appeared on reddit on 2007-09-23 18:30:03. read comments. |
98. |
Bill Maher: "Maybe a President who didn't believe our soldiers were going to heaven might be a little less willing to get them killed" (www.youtube.com) posted by ejp1082. appeared on reddit on 2007-09-22 20:30:03. read comments. |
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Blackwater killing people for sport (video) (youtube.com) posted by godfree. appeared on reddit on 2007-09-22 17:30:02. read comments. |
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The most amazingly coordinated show you will ever see, courtesy of S. Korea. (video) (www.oomsa.com) posted by blacktees. appeared on reddit on 2007-09-22 02:30:03. read comments. |
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Bush tries to grant himself and entire administration immunity for war crimes dating back to 9/11/01 (Prisoner abuse, torture, illegal acts). Hidden in Senate Bill. (www.youtube.com) posted by qgyh2. appeared on reddit on 2007-09-21 19:30:02. read comments. |
94. |
Olbermann to Bush: "Your Hypocrisy Is So Vast" [VIDEO] (www.alternet.org) posted by anonymgrl. appeared on reddit on 2007-09-21 09:30:03. read comments. |
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Are animals really emotionless? After a year of living in the wild, Christian the lion is reunited with the men who raised her in captivity [amazing video] (www.youtube.com) posted by NoodleMan. appeared on reddit on 2007-09-20 23:30:04. read comments. |
92. |
Colbert slams Digg, says college students *in the same room* would rather blog a kid getting tasering than get off their asses and help (www.ifilm.com) posted by bobsil1. appeared on reddit on 2007-09-20 20:30:03. read comments. |
91. |
Cop tells unarmed airman to get up. Airman gets up. Cop shoots him. [video] (video.google.com) posted by rmuser. appeared on reddit on 2007-09-20 03:30:02. read comments. |