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This is mongolian folk rock. I didn't know it exists. It does and it kicks ass.

This is mongolian folk rock. I didn't know it exists. It does and it kicks ass. (

posted by MikeSeth. appeared on reddit on 2008-03-20 20:30:03. read comments.


Chris Matthews on Obama's race speech: We have never heard anything like this... It's one of the great speeches in American history

Chris Matthews on Obama's race speech: We have never heard anything like this... It's one of the great speeches in American history (

posted by k0mplex. appeared on reddit on 2008-03-19 21:30:02. read comments.


What's New With the Zerg in Starcraft II? [vid]

What's New With the Zerg in Starcraft II? [vid] (

posted by udontneedaweatherman. appeared on reddit on 2008-03-19 02:30:02. read comments.


So THIS is what happens when you push the fire button at a gas station!

So THIS is what happens when you push the fire button at a gas station! (

posted by sunkid. appeared on reddit on 2008-03-18 09:30:02. read comments.


Why Italian Restaurants Failed in Dubai...

Why Italian Restaurants Failed in Dubai... (

posted by antico. appeared on reddit on 2008-03-18 07:30:03. read comments.


Phillip Agee, CIA whistleblower publically reveals CIA engages & condones assassination in foreign countries of dictators; hear his testimony; G.H.W. Bush calls him traitor for revealing CIA secrets

Phillip Agee, CIA whistleblower publically reveals CIA engages & condones assassination in foreign countries of dictators; hear his testimony; G.H.W. Bush calls him traitor for revealing CIA secrets (

posted by Conservativepublican. appeared on reddit on 2008-03-18 06:40:14. read comments.


Kid Does His War on Terror School Project using Porn, Watch Until Fin, Very Funny [SFW Video]

Kid Does His War on Terror School Project using Porn, Watch Until Fin, Very Funny [SFW Video] (

posted by SimonTheMime. appeared on reddit on 2008-03-17 16:30:03. read comments.


Drunk History, Vol. 1: Hamilton vs. Burr

Drunk History, Vol. 1: Hamilton vs. Burr (

posted by barrettvogel. appeared on reddit on 2008-03-17 13:30:03. read comments.


BBC - From subprime to homeless (disturbing news clip)

BBC - From subprime to homeless (disturbing news clip) (

posted by slydee. appeared on reddit on 2008-03-16 12:30:03. read comments.


Busted: The bomb threats against Scientology are made by... Scientology!

Busted: The bomb threats against Scientology are made by... Scientology! (

posted by MikeSeth. appeared on reddit on 2008-03-16 12:30:02. read comments.


Rockstar has Redditors as Part of Target Audience for GTA IV

Rockstar has Redditors as Part of Target Audience for GTA IV (

posted by mamama. appeared on reddit on 2008-03-16 05:30:05. read comments.


Lets make officer Wayne Guillary an overnight celebrity, email the LAPD:

Lets make officer Wayne Guillary an overnight celebrity, email the LAPD: (

posted by wpgbrownie. appeared on reddit on 2008-03-16 05:30:05. read comments.


This is how police SHOULD react to protesters

This is how police SHOULD react to protesters (

posted by slinky317. appeared on reddit on 2008-03-15 23:30:02. read comments.


Senator Patrick Leahy to Bush Aide: "You took an oath to uphold the Constitution, not to uphold the President." [wonderful video]

Senator Patrick Leahy to Bush Aide: "You took an oath to uphold the Constitution, not to uphold the President." [wonderful video] (

posted by lisamarg. appeared on reddit on 2008-03-15 17:30:03. read comments.


Watching YouTube in High(er) Definition

Watching YouTube in High(er) Definition (

posted by Etab. appeared on reddit on 2008-03-15 12:30:03. read comments.