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Toughest race in the world [w/pics]

Toughest race in the world [w/pics] (

posted by jupaneanu. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-15 13:30:03. read comments.


Don't Drink the Water: Pollution on Yamuna River in New Dehli, India [PIC]

Don't Drink the Water: Pollution on Yamuna River in New Dehli, India [PIC] (

posted by vlcod. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-15 12:30:04. read comments.


Super Mario theme recreated by driving an RC car at perfectly placed line of glass bottles. Pretty damn cool.

Super Mario theme recreated by driving an RC car at perfectly placed line of glass bottles. Pretty damn cool. (

posted by robotfuel. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-15 11:30:03. read comments.


Not even WoW is safe [pic]

Not even WoW is safe [pic] (

posted by bemmu. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-15 10:30:02. read comments.


Throwing Your Baby In The Dumpster Is Wrong [pic]

Throwing Your Baby In The Dumpster Is Wrong [pic] (

posted by zagzig99. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-15 06:30:09. read comments.


Man trapped in elevator for 41 hours. It ruined his life. (time-lapse video)

Man trapped in elevator for 41 hours. It ruined his life. (time-lapse video) (

posted by Mr_Smartypants. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-15 05:30:04. read comments.


16 Cool Urban Landscaping Designs (PICS)

16 Cool Urban Landscaping Designs (PICS) (

posted by jaybol. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-15 05:30:03. read comments.


Astronomy Picture of the Day: 2008 April 15 - Sky Delights Over Sweden

Astronomy Picture of the Day: 2008 April 15 - Sky Delights Over Sweden (

posted by jaybol. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-15 02:30:02. read comments.


Trust [pic]

Trust [pic] (

posted by alaskamiller. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-14 23:30:03. read comments.


I Can’t Even Begin To Imagine The Pain [PIC]

I Can’t Even Begin To Imagine The Pain [PIC] (

posted by jda06. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-14 21:30:03. read comments.


Salt and Pepper [close-up photo]

Salt and Pepper [close-up photo] (

posted by hitsman. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-14 21:30:03. read comments.


*Owned* [pic]

*Owned* [pic] (

posted by crosbyface. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-14 18:30:02. read comments.


Swimming with Polar Bears [pics]

Swimming with Polar Bears [pics] (

posted by pavement. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-14 15:30:04. read comments.


Sign # 3,245 that America has problems. Most children can identify over 1,000 Corporate Logos but less than 10 native plants and animals. [video]

Sign # 3,245 that America has problems. Most children can identify over 1,000 Corporate Logos but less than 10 native plants and animals. [video] (

posted by nelsonjs. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-14 11:30:04. read comments.


Life Cookies [comic]

Life Cookies [comic] (

posted by gherkin. appeared on reddit on 2008-04-14 10:30:03. read comments.