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Meet the new AT&T. Same as the old Ma Bell. The FCC, asleep at the wheel, has let Ma Bell reincarnate. [pic]

Meet the new AT&T. Same as the old Ma Bell. The FCC, asleep at the wheel, has let Ma Bell reincarnate. [pic] (

posted by johnsonmx. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-03 14:30:02. read comments.


Jon Stewart shreds Chris Matthews' book - Matthews exclaims, "This is the worst interview I've ever had in my life!"

Jon Stewart shreds Chris Matthews' book - Matthews exclaims, "This is the worst interview I've ever had in my life!" (

posted by jcharum. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-03 10:30:03. read comments.


What Happens When a Redneck Mates With a Fish [Pic]

What Happens When a Redneck Mates With a Fish [Pic] (

posted by crazylady444. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-03 09:30:03. read comments.


Stephen Colbert challenges Dennis Kucinich to come on his show and... empty his pockets. (Video)

Stephen Colbert challenges Dennis Kucinich to come on his show and... empty his pockets. (Video) (

posted by doogie92. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-03 08:30:03. read comments.


Sometimes the art isn't apparent until you see it in a different light. [Pics]

Sometimes the art isn't apparent until you see it in a different light. [Pics] (

posted by travelingman74. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-03 08:30:03. read comments.


Reddit: This is the XKCD Atom feed. Subscribe to this instead of posting EVERY SINGLE XKCD STRIP.

Reddit: This is the XKCD Atom feed. Subscribe to this instead of posting EVERY SINGLE XKCD STRIP. (

posted by tenken. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-03 07:30:03. read comments.


Winter!!!! (Pics)

Winter!!!! (Pics) (

posted by boxofrain. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-03 05:30:03. read comments.


(Pic) Barbed wire Olympic logo 2008

(Pic) Barbed wire Olympic logo 2008 (

posted by effektz. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-03 04:30:03. read comments.


Loltheist: RTFM! (PIC)

Loltheist: RTFM! (PIC) (

posted by Burlapin. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-03 03:30:02. read comments.


Young Cerberus (pic)

Young Cerberus (pic) (

posted by r2002. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-02 22:30:04. read comments.


XKCD: Tapping

XKCD: Tapping (

posted by xelfer. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-02 22:30:03. read comments.


The death of individuality (PIC)

The death of individuality (PIC) (

posted by qgyh2. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-02 19:30:03. read comments.


[PIC] "How will the government stop smart people from rising up against it?"

[PIC] "How will the government stop smart people from rising up against it?" (

posted by 9jack9. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-02 19:30:03. read comments.


Cup Nude (not Cup Noodle) is actually a masturbation tool for men (PICs)

Cup Nude (not Cup Noodle) is actually a masturbation tool for men (PICs) (

posted by keen75. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-02 11:30:03. read comments.


(Pic) I don't like getting dressed up to shop at Wal Mart

(Pic) I don't like getting dressed up to shop at Wal Mart (

posted by effektz. appeared on reddit on 2007-10-02 10:30:03. read comments.