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Why You Can't Win an Argument With a Believer (comic)

Why You Can't Win an Argument With a Believer (comic) (

posted by chefranden. appeared on reddit on 2007-11-10 00:30:03. read comments.


When Writers Strike-They Really Strike: Blank Picket Signs (Pic)

When Writers Strike-They Really Strike: Blank Picket Signs (Pic) (

posted by dugglas. appeared on reddit on 2007-11-09 23:30:04. read comments.


WTF Reddit? Don't become one of those lame sites with the "fake window" ads. It's cheap, It's deceitful. And honestly, you're above it.

WTF Reddit? Don't become one of those lame sites with the "fake window" ads. It's cheap, It's deceitful. And honestly, you're above it. (

posted by xyphus. appeared on reddit on 2007-11-09 19:30:03. read comments.


Biggest BSOD of all time? [pic]

Biggest BSOD of all time? [pic] (

posted by dizzle67. appeared on reddit on 2007-11-09 15:30:02. read comments.


A huge collection of (almost) every Super Soaker ever made (Picture)

A huge collection of (almost) every Super Soaker ever made (Picture) (

posted by effektz. appeared on reddit on 2007-11-09 09:30:04. read comments.


Incredible: Creating an entire city out of perfectly balanced eggs (Photos)

Incredible: Creating an entire city out of perfectly balanced eggs (Photos) (

posted by effektz. appeared on reddit on 2007-11-09 09:30:04. read comments.


don't go, it's a trap! (pic)

don't go, it's a trap! (pic) (

posted by fatalc. appeared on reddit on 2007-11-09 09:30:03. read comments.


Bush sees, in person, the results of his war. (15 pics)

Bush sees, in person, the results of his war. (15 pics) (

posted by doogie92. appeared on reddit on 2007-11-09 09:30:03. read comments.


Stunning chart of circulation numbers shows double-digit drops at most major newspapers.

Stunning chart of circulation numbers shows double-digit drops at most major newspapers. (

posted by barlaam. appeared on reddit on 2007-11-09 06:30:13. read comments.


Unfortunate Vista Ad Placement (pic)

Unfortunate Vista Ad Placement (pic) (

posted by qgyh2. appeared on reddit on 2007-11-09 04:30:03. read comments.


Coal Miner [Pic] - I'm speechless

Coal Miner [Pic] - I'm speechless (

posted by megablahblah. appeared on reddit on 2007-11-09 03:30:03. read comments.


xkcd: fight

xkcd: fight (

posted by xelfer. appeared on reddit on 2007-11-09 01:30:03. read comments.


Calvin & Hobbes (pic)

Calvin & Hobbes (pic) (

posted by boredzo. appeared on reddit on 2007-11-08 22:30:04. read comments.


Waterboarding - a favorite of the Spanish Inquisition - the "Tormento Del Agua" (pic)

Waterboarding - a favorite of the Spanish Inquisition - the "Tormento Del Agua" (pic) (

posted by scordatura. appeared on reddit on 2007-11-08 21:30:04. read comments.


What Chefs do when they are bored (pics)

What Chefs do when they are bored (pics) (

posted by qgyh2. appeared on reddit on 2007-11-08 12:30:04. read comments.